Letters to the editor: Missed context in wells story; council still pro-development

Re: your July 21 story, 'State officials propose plugging dozens of local oil wells': The article on CalGEM's plan to plug wells in California, inc...

August 12, 2023
9:26 PM

Re: your July 21 story, 'State officials propose plugging dozens of local oil wells': The article on CalGEM's plan to plug wells in California, including those in Ventura County, missed important context. Namely, it failed to distinguish between idle and orphan wells, ignored the extensive efforts of local producers, and misrepresented financial burdens. Idle and orphan wells are the subject of extensive state regulation. Since 2016, a whopping eight bills have emerged from Sacramento to address these topics, and five of them were championed by Ventura County legislators.

Ventura County Star